The Road To Wigan Pier

The Road To Wigan Pier

I had heard about George Orwell’s book, The Road To Wigan Pier, from a video online of Jordan Peterson – the embattled Psychology professor at the University of Toronto.

A couple of days ago, he had an interview with a reporter in the United Kingdom, which is now famous because of the hostility and confrontational attitude of the host.

She kept trying to spin his comments into something horrible, for the sake of demonizing him for whatever reason, most likely views, and ratings.

Check out the video below:

One of the reasons why mainstream media outlets are trying to discredit him is because Peterson is a voice of the working class, especially the white, male, working class in the USA as well as Canada.

These are the people whom the media, the intelligentsia, politicians, celebrities, Hollywood, and all of the “upper-class” people dislike and think are “racist, sexist, homophobic,” and so on and so forth.

One only has to wander over to sites like,,, and others to see it. (Link websites from

Just as a preface, I’m linking to a website where someone replaced the words “White” with “Black,” to demonstrate the overt racism from Salon.

However, the comment section below is filled with ridiculous comments that I don’t endorse at all. Additionally, I don’t endorse the other arguments made by posters in the same sub-Reddit.

A person only has to Google the phrase, “Salon White People,” and you’ll get many articles bashing white people straight from the horse’s mouth.

Salon articles with white switched to black. There is no anti-white agenda though, goyim. You’re just a racist!
by inconspiracy

Class conflict in the United States (and even in Canada), has been on my mind for a while lately.

Donald Trump getting elected was a direct result of class-conflict, with the central and southern United States consisting of mostly working-class white Americans, and the coastal cities having more “diversity” – as they say.

The Democratic Party used to be the voice of the working class, but they aren’t anymore.

Throughout the US Presidential Election, it seemed like legit organizations and public figures like CNN, the BBC, Salon, Huffington Post, Globe and Mail, The New York Times, did everything they could in their power to demonize and misrepresent every word that came out of Donald’s mouth.

To make matters worse, they insulted working-class voters on a regular basis, calling them “deplorable,” and all of that.

I’m not defending Trump, whom I consider to be a misguided and bombastic President, especially after bombing Syria – which he said he wouldn’t do – and the travel ban which was a disaster.

Either way, whether or not he is, in fact, someone who wants to benefit working-class Americans is irrelevant; he still portrayed himself as that which won him the election.

Nevertheless, on Twitter the other day, I read a comment that mocked a statement from Blaire White urging people not to hate people because of political disagreements.

In an attempt to demonstrate the severity of the president’s actions and the relative difference of class and ethnicity of both people, the person, responded, “Trump supporter: I think you and your family should be deported, Me: Ok, agree to disagree!”

Comments like these, are a result of the media’s successful attempt at conflating a vote for the Republican party as a vote for mass deportations, which is something I’ll comment on another day.

Ironically, deportations occur all of the time regardless of what president is currently in charge of the executive branch, and at no time did Trump say he wanted to deport legal immigrants.

He just said that this bullshit of Mexicans illegally crossing the border needed to stop, which I agree with, not out of racism or a “fear of the other,” as “intellectuals” would say, but out of principle.

If you want to cross the border, you have to do it legally.

(By the way, Barack Obama’s administration conducted more deportations than any other president in the United States’ history)

Rules are rules. Cross the border like everyone else.

The truth is, Trump spoke to the working classes in the central and southern states whose interests are primarily in two parts: the economy, and terrorism.

Again, whether or not terrorism is a legitimate thing to worry about is irrelevant.

These are the issues they care about, and those are the issues Trump spoke to, earning him the vote from the working classes.

Not only that, but his non-politically correct way of talking was a huge part of his likability. People are getting incredibly sick of censorship.

In an interview with Lena Dunham – and I know her opinion isn’t super important because she’s just a writer and an actress – she made a speech which perfectly embodied everything that is wrong about the average “coastal-liberal,” – as I’ll call them.

She said that the people who vote Republican are doing so in conflict “with their own best interests,” as if she is the one who knows what’s good for other people. It’s this condescending and patronizing attitude from a position of perceived superiority.

The thing is, she may be correct. However, it doesn’t matter either way, because it’s so condescending and arrogant that people who are listening are immediately turned off by it and secretly resent the person saying it.

I see the same thing here in Canada, where people who live in the cities look down upon people who live in working-class neighborhoods out in smaller towns (which is where I’m from).

There’s also notable anti-white racism which I’ve never noticed before until I moved to Montréal.

People in large urban centers are ignorant, and they don’t understand the attitudes of regular-down-to-earth people who are mostly just ignorant of other people’s cultures, but not overly hostile toward them like people in the city like to think (except many people in the much older generation, 70 to 90-years-old).

This disconnection and a lack of understanding between two social classes is partially the reason for the political climate in the US right now, and it’s starting here in Canada, but not quite as much.

Even though Orwell’s book is almost 100 years old now, it perfectly describes the disconnection between social classes including between the “educated” and the “non-educated,” the “bourgeoisie,” and the “proletariat,” and the “working-class,” and the “upper-class.”

The Wigan Pier dives into the way that people who are self-described socialists, are often from a particular class, the middle-class, and look down upon the people whom they claim to want to protect.

Orwell questions the motives of the middle-class socialists, who, to him, appear to be more interested in a “hypertrophied sense of order,” rather than the freedom and happiness of the average person.

By “hypertrophied sense of order,” Orwell means that the socialists want a planned economy, a centralized system, whereby people at the top determine the distribution of funds and resources throughout the society.

As Peterson said recently, and brilliantly I might add, during the Joe Rogan Podcast, it would take a brutal tyranny of the worst type to control the affairs in such a manner to make sure that EVERY person’s needs were tended to.

He also dives into the tendency among the “middle-class-socialists,” who appear to hate their own class and the people within it rather than wanting to help the people at the bottom.

It’s a guise. It’s a virtue-signaling endeavor, kind of like the way the “progressives” today, as we’ll call them, seem to hate old men (as he states in the book as well), especially old white men who are perceived as having all of the money in the world.

The irony being that middle-class University kids are in the same class as the “evil white men” they resent.

Nevermind the fact that Asian-Americans and Indian-Americans currently make more money per capita than white-Americans, who, as the New York Times just described, are slowly becoming destitute and more poverty-stricken in comparison to global rankings.

Throughout Orwell’s book, he dives into all of the reasons why working-class English people hate socialists, and why the socialist movement needed to make serious changes to itself for the sake of fighting against the rise of fascism in Europe.

In 2018, if we intend to have working class people on our side, there needs to be a change in the way we address them. Otherwise, someone not fit for the presidency will win again in 2020.